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How to Write an Email for Salary Negotiation? (With Samples)

Andrew Langat
April 26, 2023
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Everything is negotiable. Whether or not the negotiation is easy is another thing.” – Carrie Fisher

Do you know how to negotiate your salary in writing?

Writing a salary negotiation email for salary negotiation either after receiving an offer letter or in your current role can be daunting due to the fear of the unknown.

Will it lead to rejection after a prolonged job search? A cold response from your boss/hiring manager after a few days? Or worse still, a rescindment of a job offer?

These are valid concerns, especially in a job market increasingly characterized by mass layoffs. However, you need not be a prisoner of your mind.

We all have an idea of what we are worth in the marketplace.

Even your boss or hiring manager expects their employees to negotiate salary. Based on this reality, learning the art of salary negotiation is not only advisable but a vital skill to have in the course of your career.

This is critical to ensure you get the best deal possible. This requires a delicate balance of language usage, professionalism, and persuasion as we shall show below. Additionally, you will get a salary negotiation email example on how to write a salary negotiation.

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What Is a Salary Negotiation Email?

A salary negotiation email is a written communication to a prospective or current employer to discuss a salary offer or improve the compensation package. This email usually comprises an overview of salary expectations, employee's credentials, and rationale for negotiating salary.

Additionally, it may propose a counter-proposal to the employer's initial salary offer and request supplementary benefits like flexible work hours, extended vacation time, or an improved health insurance benefits package.

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How Do You Write a Salary Negotiations Email? (Six steps to follow)

Use the following seven-step process and salary negotiation email templates to write a salary negotiation email:

1. Use an Appropriate Subject line

Make it a point to be clear, specific, and relevant, and use actionable words.

Actional words that will increase the open rate and hint at what the subject line of the email entails, such as "Salary Negotiation Request," "My thoughts on Salary offer," or "Counter-Offer Proposal."

2. Start with a Greeting and Thank you(where appropriate)

Start with a professional greeting, such as: "Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Last Name." Make a point to personalize the greetings.

Begin your email by thanking the employer for the job offer and expressing your excitement about the opportunity. Here is an example.

  1. Negotiating a starting salary:

"Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

Thank you for extending the job offer for [position name] at [company name].

Why start with a greeting thank you?
This demonstrates a positive attitude from the onset and shows appreciation for fostering a constructive rapport with the employer and increasing the chances of a positive response. If you are in a current role, you might skip this part and present your argument.

3. Present your Argument

Articulate why you are a valuable asset and merit a higher salary, which may stem from your qualifications, expertise, previous achievements, educational background, or other relevant factors.

  1. On a new job offer:

"While I am excited about the offer, I wanted to discuss the possibility of adjusting the starting salary to align with my experience and skills. With [number of years] experience in [industry or relevant job field], I am confident I can bring a unique perspective and valuable contributions to this company. Additionally, my [relevant degree/certification] demonstrates my commitment to the field and my dedication to growing my skills."

  1. In your current position:

"After [enter duration] to [Company Name], I am writing to request a review of my current salary from [enter amount] to [enter amount]

4. Provide Evidence

To support your request for a higher salary, you should provide evidence, such as specific examples of your accomplishments or industry-standard salary data.

Here's how to provide evidence:

  1. On a new job offer:

"I have been fortunate to work on several high-profile projects in a similar job role throughout my career with a proven track record including [specific concrete examples of your work and accomplishments]. Additionally, I have researched industry salaries and believe that my experience and skillset warrant a salary in the range of [specific number or range]."

  1. In your current position:

Throughout my tenure, I have consistently delivered exceptional results[give specific examples] and have taken on increased responsibilities[give specific examples], that have contributed to the company's success. Based on current market trends for a similar position, I believe a salary adjustment is warranted.

5. Be flexible:

While it's important to have a target salary in mind to negotiate salary with, it's also important to remain flexible and open to other forms of compensation. Always remember that the right salary negotiation email should allow a back-and-forth conversation.

For example, you could ask about the possibility of additional benefits such as hybrid working or equity compensation options if they are unwilling to change the base salary.

Here's how to show flexibility:

"While I believe that the base salary component should Improve, I would like to discuss other benefits packages, such as a signing bonus, flexible hours, and stock options. I believe that we shall find a mutually beneficial common ground.

6. Close with a call to action(Be Courteous):

Sign off your email expressing your eagerness to advance with the job offer and reiterating your desire for fair compensation.

Here's an example of a call to action:

"Thank you again for the opportunity to join your team. I am excited about the potential to make meaningful contributions to the company. I want to discuss how we can work together to ensure my compensation is commensurate with my skills and experience. I look forward to hearing from you."

At the end of the email, include a professional sign-off such as:

  • Best regards,
  • Sincerely,
  • Best wishes.

Why is this important?
Ending with a call to action can leave a lasting impression on your prospective employer and show that you are committed to the company, even if the initial salary negotiation does not go in your favor.

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Salary Negotiation Email Samples

Here are some more salary negotiation email templates and scripts to use.

1. Salary Negotiation Email Sample (During the Interview Process)

Sample scenerio: You have passed the interview, and the hiring manager gives you an offer, but the salary is below your expectations(You need an offer better than what the market offers)

The following salary negotiation email script example offers a few examples of an example of the steps we have listed above:

Subject Line: Salary Negotiation for [Position Name] Offer

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

Thank you for extending the [Position Name] job offer at [Company Name].

I'm excited about the opportunity and would like to discuss joining your team, but I was hoping we could discuss the salary. Based on my experience, a salary of [Specific Number or Range] would be more appropriate for the job title of [Enter title]

I'm open to discussing other forms of compensation. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

2. Salary Negotiation Email Sample (Negotiating a Raise at Your Current Job)

Sample scenerio: You are a marketing manager exceeding expectations and taking on additional responsibilities. Current Salary: $65,000

Subject Line: Salary Increase Request

Dear [Manager's Name],

I want to discuss a salary review based on my current role and responsibilities. As I now manage [Number of People/Projects/Accounts], I believe that my current salary of [Current Salary] does not reflect my value to the company and my changed job description that came with additional responsibilities since[Insert date], but with no additional compensation.

After researching industry standards, my output in my current role, and my starting salary which has never been reviewed and considering the market data and my experience, I believe a salary raise to [Requested Salary] is reasonable. I would appreciate your consideration and am open to discussing this further.

Thank you for your time,

[Your Name]

3. Salary Negotiation Email sample( Negotiating a New Job Offer Below Market Value)

Scenerio: You are an experienced Software Engineer with in-demand skills and a proven track record. Offer: $80,000 (Below average for your role and location)

Email sample:

Dear [Hiring Manager Name],

Thank you so much for offering me the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I'm thrilled about the opportunity and the chance to work on [mention something specific that excites you].

After careful consideration, I'd like to discuss the base salary. My research indicates the average starting salary for this role in [Location] is $[Average Salary Range]. Given my [mention 2-3 relevant skills/achievements], I believe a salary closer to $[Your Proposed Salary] would be more reflective of my experience and the value I can bring to the team.

I'm still incredibly interested in this position and would love to find a solution that works for both of us, but I find the offer to be below what the market offers.

Please let me know if you're open to discussing this further.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

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Researching Salary Information(Your value in the job market)

Before writing a salary negotiation email and to make the better your case is, you need to know how much you deserve to earn based on specific details such as skill level, experience, and market value. Online research and networking are ways to gauge your worth before drafting salary negotiation emails.

1. Online Research

Many online tools can assist if you're curious about gauging your worth in the marketplace. Websites like Glassdoor and PayScale can give you an idea of what people in similar positions and experience levels are making.

You can also visit Indeed or LinkedIn for job postings with salary information.

Remember that online data may not always be accurate, but it will offer you a salary range to aim at.

Another option is to look for government data or industrial surveys that provide salary data. One such good source is the Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates average salary data by job title, occupation, and geographic area.

2. Networking

Connecting with coworkers, mentors, and even a leadership coach can be a great way to learn about salaries.

You can keep up with compensation trends by joining professional groups or attending industry events.

It's crucial to be respectful and professional when networking. Ask for their suggestions, ideas, or strategies for compensation negotiations instead of outright asking individuals about their pay.

Keep in mind that every person's circumstances are unique, so the information you acquire might not necessarily be relevant to your salary negotiation.

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Things to Avoid Mentioning in a Salary Negotiation Email

1. Personal financial issues

Resist the temptation of mentioning any personal financial issues you may face, such as student loans, mortgages, or bills you must pay.

This often comes out as unprofessional and may make the employer feel like you are asking for more money out of desperation rather than merit, potentially jeopardizing your salary negotiation efforts.

Pro tip: Focus on your skills and qualifications and the value you will bring to the company or what you have already created in your duration.

Example of a bad justification: "I need a better salary because I have a lot of bills to pay, and I'm struggling to make ends meet in this tough economy."

2. Other job offers or salaries

You should refrain from bringing up other employment opportunities or salary because doing so can give the impression that you are not entirely dedicated to the role. Instead, emphasize how excited you are about the organization and the position.

I need you to match that job offer details or make a higher one, for instance: "I've received another job offer with a higher salary."

Why it damages your chances: This can give the impression that you're not committed to the business, which could sour relations with your employer.

3. Demands or ultimatums

Make no demands or threats; doing so could complicate the hiring process, increase tension between you and the company, and complicate the bargaining process.

Example: "I'll have to look for another job unless I get this raise in pay."

Why it lowers your chances: This could give the impression that you're irrational and unwilling to make concessions.

4. Aggressive or confrontational language

Avoid employing combative or angry words even if the salary negotiation process becomes challenging. Keep your conduct respectful and professional to foster a good working connection with the employer.

I'm shocked that you gave me such meager pay, for instance. Do you even appreciate my abilities?

Why it harms your chances: You might come off as unprofessional and challenging to deal with if you do this.

5. Forgetting to express gratitude and enthusiasm

Remember to show your appreciation and enthusiasm for the employment offer. Gratitude can go a long way toward fostering a good working relationship with your company.

Example: "I'm grateful for the job offer, but I'd like to talk to you about the pay."

Why it harms your chances: Failing to express gratitude can give the impression that you are entitled and ungrateful.

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What Should I Do if My Email Negotiation Efforts Are Rejected?

When you decide to negotiate your salary your salary, you likely do it will be great hopes that the recipient will agree with your proposal. However, things don't always work out, and thus skills in managing expectations are recommended.

Here are some tips on what to do if your email negotiation efforts are rejected:

  1. Don't take it personally: Rejection is a common occurrence during negotiations. Try not to take it personally. See it as a possible outcome of a request.
  2. Ask for feedback: If possible, ask your hiring manager or boss to explain why your current compensation package cannot be improved(in your current role) or why your need to start salary cannot be improved(new job). For example, the hiring manager can say that all new team members start at amount X, which is then reviewed based on performance.
  3. Consider other options: If the starting salary is way below your expectations or your manager cannot improve your current salary, you must consider other options. This might mean looking for other employment options where more money is offered.
  4. Stay professional: When negotiating salary, always remain professional throughout. It would be best if you framed it to accommodate collaboration. Doing this will improve your case with the employer or hiring manager and open the door for future opportunities.
  5. Leave room for future negotiation: whereas your overtures might get rejected, this does not imply that it is the end of the road. Offering to revisit negotiation passes a message to a prospective employer of your astute communication skills and great negotiation skills.

FAQs on How to Negotiate salary

Why negotiate your salary via email?

Writing an email offers you adequate time to gather your thoughts, research salary data, and craft a clear and concise message. This is especially vital if you are prone to cracking under pressure or have not learned how to negotiate effectively. Moreover, it enables you to document your claim.

Should I mention a specific number in the email?

Yes. This shows that you have researched properly. For example, starting a salary range for the same position in the market offers context.

What if I don't have a competing offer?

Don't get fixated on the salary alone. Stress the value you bring to the table, including recent achievements that warrant a salary review.

How can I respond if they say "No" to my initial request?

It's important not to take it personally. Look at the bigger picture, for example, is the company facing financial difficulties, are there salary increases? It's important not to burn bridges.

Should I negotiate benefits?

Yes. Benefits can be a significant part of your total compensation package. Make it a point to negotiate other important details such as health benefits, work schedules, opportunities for training and coaching, etc.

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Let Highrise Teach You How to Negotiate Salary

As a growth-minded professional looking for contemporary leadership development training, Highrise is an excellent resource to learn, among other skills, how to negotiate effectively.

Through our courses The 6-month Highrise Leader Impact Program you can identify what's been holding you back and develop the skills to bring out your strengths.

With Highrise's guidance, you can confidently navigate salary negotiations and achieve your career goals.

Don't let fear or lack of knowledge hold you back - invest in your growth and development with Highrise today and become a pro in negotiating salary and negotiations, plus more.

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Andrew Langat
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Andrew Langat is an experienced content specialist in Leadership, Productivity, Education, Fintech, and Research. He is an avid reader and loves swimming as a hobby. He believes that quality content should be actionable and helpful.